

1897Kyoto Imperial University was founded.
1906The College of Letters was opened.
1907The history department of Faculty of Letters was opened.
1914The first museum building was completed.
1959The name was changed from chinretsukan [exhibition hall] to hakubutsukan [museum].
1986The new building was completed.
Faculty of Science, Agricultue and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences organized a joint research committee. This paved the way for search of natural historical materials.
1989A basic plan for Kyoto University Natural History Museum was made.
1989 - 1997The concept aimed to further advance Kyoto University General Museum by combining the Museum of Faculty of Letters and the Natural History Museum.
Meanwhile, a search for historical materials was done in the Faculty of Engineering and some other places.
1997The Kyoto University Museum has begun and contains historical materials relating to natural, cultural and technological history.