[Spring temporary exhibition in 2005]

Let's enjoy archaeology!?
(In Japanese)

The Shindo-Haiji temple (abolished temple) at Tondabayashi city, Osaka is famous as one of the Japanese oldest temples that were founded during Asuka and Tenpyo Ages (592-784). Many buildings were built then in the Shindo-Haiji temple, but the order in which they were built was unknown.

However, the mystery was solved by an unexpected clue. It was a roof tile. Roof tiles, which come out in large quantities from ruins, had been mostly disregarded by archaeologists until then because of their lack of individuality. But the archaeology team of Tondabayashi city paid their attention to the textures of the cloths that were used during the manufacture, on the surface of the tiles.

They collected thousands of tiles (about 9 ton) and managed to divide them into several groups according to their individual texture. And they were able to clarify the construction times of Shindo-Haiji temples according to this arrangement.

It is expected that this research technique may help a lot in the development of the study of Japanese history because tiles are usually excavated in large quantities from every site.

Many tiles which have various textures are displayed in the exhibition hall of The Kyoto University Museum. Would you like to experience how it is to be an archaeologist at the Museum?